It is dangerous and potentially lethal to take at face value anything we're told by the Regime regarding its supposed success in interdicting terrorist threats. The abortive plot by a half-dozen imported radicals to attack Ft. Dix is a splendid illustration of that principle.
FBI Special Agent J.P. Weis claims that the little knot of accused terrorists was “forming a platoon to take on an army.” It's worth pointing out that, horrible as the prospect of an attack on a secure and fortified Army base may be, the alleged conspirators apparently weren't planning an assault on a “soft target” -- such as a shopping mall or other large civilian gathering place.
This isn't intended to minimize the alleged crime, but rather to set up what I consider to be an important question: Would the Homeland Security Apparatus display such alacrity in dealing with a threat of this sort (assuming, once again, it was legitimate) had it been directed at somebody other than agents and assets of the State?
It's also worth noting that in the Ft. Dix plot we find, once again, the conspicuous involvement of an FBI “informant,” described as a veteran of the Egyptian military; in fact, the FBI plant actually seems to have suggested the attack. (Thanks to Justin Ptak by way of Lew Rockwell's blog.)
I wonder if the Bureau got in touch with Emad Salem and offered him another gig. The first one didn't turn out so well: Salem penetrated the terror cell responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, and was furious with the FBI after it allowed that attack – which would have been immeasurably bloodier had it not been for the unfathomable stupidity of Mohammed Salameh – to proceed.

Salameh, like the dimwits from the purported “Seas of David” terrorist cell, is typical of the kind of people drawn into Washington's “rent-a-cabal” False Flag operations. It's too early to tell if the people from the alleged Ft. Dix plot fit that description, but the fact that they were planning to attack an Army base suggests that we're dealing with people dwelling on the left side of the Bell Curve.
The most important elements of this story can be found in the identity of the Albanian Muslim brothers – Dritan, Eljvir and Shain Duka – involved in the alleged conspiracy, and in the fact they lived in New Jersey. Since the late 1990s, New Jersey has played host to a large and growing population of Albanian Muslims, among whom can be found elements of the Albanian mafia and partisans of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) – or do I repeat myself.
The KLA, as I have pointed out, may be the only terrorist group genuinely deserving of the description “Islamo-Fascist”: Its lineage can be traced to the Albanian Skanderbeg militia organized by the Waffen SS during World War II. That's the “Fatherland” half of its pedigree, as it were; the “Motherland” half is traced through the Stalinist regime of Albania's Enver Hoxha. Indeed, the KLA could be considered the mutant offspring of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact – a bastard child raised and nurtured by Osama bin Laden, with the help of the Albanian narcotics underground and (of course) the CIA.

Passionate attachments: KLA enlistees muster for a recruiting rally in Yonkers, New York during the 1999 NATO bombing campaign against Serbia.
Like I said, we're dealing with people who would test a couple of standard deviations below the mean.
During the 1999 NATO terror-bombing of Serbia, the KLA canvassed Albanian immigrant populations in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan for recruits into a propaganda army – an “Ibrahim Lincoln Brigade,” as it were. After the Clinton administration – working through the UN and NATO – delivered Kosovo (a province of Serbia) into the KLA's hands, a reign of terror commenced against both Serbs and moderate ethnic Albanians.

The KLA, and its domestic front group, the Albanian-American Civic League (AACL), have made no secret of their demented irredentist objectives: They seek the creation of a “Greater Albania” that would include parts of Serbia, Macedonia, and other Balkan countries. They won't succeed, of course, but their militancy was operationally useful to the Power Elite when it turned its malignant ambitions against the Serbs. And the same principle obtains regarding KLA-connected radicals here and abroad, who can be mobilized for the purpose of staging little terrorist melodramas whenever it suits the interests of our rulers to do so.
During the 78-day “Kosovo War,” the media was ablaze with accounts of Nazi-magnitude atrocities supposedly committed by the Serbs (who, whatever their failings, were pro-US and anti-Nazi during World War II, unlike the pro-Axis Kosovo Albanian militiamen). We were repeatedly assured that the admittedly loathsome regime of the late, unlamented Slobodan Milosevic had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent Albanians.
Oddly enough, once forensic investigators had access to Kosovo, they failed to find the promised hecatomb. Yes, there was evidence of horrible crimes committed in the course of a very nasty inter-communal war, but Kosovo had not become a huge Killing Field, ala Cambodia or Rwanda.
Rather than admitting that the war had been waged under false pretenses, we were told that the evidence of genocidal killings had been removed by the devious Serbs: Huge refrigerated trucks had been sent into the province to transport thousands of Kosovar cadavers to Serbia, where they were burned, eliminated by acid baths, or otherwise quietly disposed of.
The same trope was used to explain the mysterious disappearance of Saddam's WMD arsenal, of course: It was supposedly transported to Syria in an operation carried out with such subtlety and competence that no evidence of it has ever materialized.
In both cases, this Munchausen-magnitude tale was retailed to the media by the squalid little clique working as a sub-contractor to Washington: The “Iraqi National Congress” with regard to the missing Iraqi WMDs, and the KLA regarding the fleet of mortuary vehicles that supposedly transferred Albanian corpses to Serbia.
Wretched and repellent as the KLA is, it should be considered a tool, albeit one that might be somewhat difficult to control.
And this means that California Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a stalwart ally of the KLA, is a tool of a tool.

"There is no Dana, only Zu'ul": Perhaps demonic possession explains why Rep. Rohrabacher is such a passionate defender of Osama's allies, the KLA.
On July 23, 2001, Rohrabacher was the featured guest at an AACL fundraising dinner at Le Jardin in Edgewater, New Jersey. Also on hand was John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, whose editorial page supported the terror-bombing of Yugoslavia. Rohrabacher used his speech to extol the Islamo-Fascist KLA as the heirs to the Patriots of our War for Independence, and denounce congressional colleagues who didn't support arming that terrorist clique in 1999.
The 9-11 attacks came little more than a month later.
That atrocity, according to the standard account, was carried out by elements of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network – a network that included Rohrabacher's friends in the KLA.
More recently, Rep. Rohrabacher, his chickenhawk plumage fully displayed, assailed critics of the Bush Regime's illegal “extraordinary rendition” program, in which people are kidnapped by the CIA for summary imprisonment somewhere in Washington's global torture archipelago.
During the April 17 hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, Rohrabacher browbeat witnesses from the European Parliament (not a body for which I'm burdened with much respect, but still) who had criticized the rendition policy.
Addressing those critics, as well as audience members who were audibly disgusted with his antics, Rohrabacher exclaimed: “I hope it's your family members that die when terrorists strike.”
(Click here for a video excerpt from the hearing that contains Rohrabacher's outburst.)
Somebody needs to grab Rohrabacher by the wattles of his neck, give him a good hard shake and maybe a stout slap or two (I'd love to do it myself, but I'm over-booked), and say approximately the following:
“Hey, Dana, why don't I round up a few dozen soldiers from Ft. Dix, and you can say the same thing to them? You can do this right after you explain to them why you thought it was a good idea to give hardware and money to Osama's Albanian allies – including, most likely, the guys who were planning to shoot up the base.”
As I noted earlier, we don't know for sure that the plot against Ft. Dix was genuine. But we have ample reason to believe that the terrorist talent pool created by the Regime is deep enough to contain some genuinely lethal threats to our well-being, and we'll be hearing from those folks soon enough.
The chief FBI informant in the Ft. Dix case came "to be seen by the suspects as the person who might actually show them how an act of terror could be carried off," reports the New York Times today (May 10).
Over the course of the investigation, "as the targets of the investigation spoke with a sometimes unfocused zeal about waging holy war, the informer, one of two used in the investigation, would tell them that he could get them the sophisticated weapons they wanted. He would accompany them on surveillance missions to military installations, debating the risks, and when the men looked to purchase the weapons, it was the informer who seemed to be pushing the idea of buying the deadliest items, startling at least one of the suspects."
The FedGov's plant, in other words, was the ringleader of the supposed terrorist plot. He cultivated this little group of disgruntled Muslims and catalyzed their inchoate radicalism into something potentially deadly. And he was deeply implicated in every act for which the six "plotters" now face criminal prosecution.
Why do I fail to be surprised by any of this?
Oh, yeah, that's right -- maybe it's because the Regime does this kind of thing all the time.
I know that this is off-topic for this particular entry, but look what's finally floating to the top of the commoner consciousness (I figure that if it makes it onto the MSN newspage that it qualifies as such). See the headline and link below.
Is police use of armored vehicles going too far?
With scores of police agencies large and small buying armored vehicles at Homeland Security expense, some criminal justice experts warn that their use in fighting everyday crime could do more harm than good.
Re: captain kirk's comment and msnbc link, it reminds me of the first republican mayor in my hometown of Macon Ga. in the 1970s. His name was "Machine Gun" Ronnie Thompson, and he actually drove a national guard tank onto a grammar school yard in a "high crime" area to intimidate would-be criminals. Back in the seventies, blacks were perceived to be the enemy and Mayor Thompson did everything he could, militantly, to keep them in their place. He armed the police force with machine guns and frequently took to the police radio in the evenings to give orders to shoot to kill on sight of any looters and hooligans. He posted billboards around town warning looters that they'd be shot on sight. Indeed crime was becoming a problem, especially after a spate of armed robberies, and indeed it wasn't long after Thompson's antics that crime dropped to nothing overning.
But a critical distinction here is that Thompson did it all with local funds and artillery, none of the equipment was provided or funded by the feds. And his motivations were rooted in racism entirely. None of these actions were directed towards the city's white population, which made whites feel that much safer. Oh, there was one time he defiantly blocked the transport of the military's nerve gas through the city on its way to be disposed off the coast of Fl., himself armed with a machine gun standing on the rail tracks to block the train.
The city later regretted having Machine Gun Ronnie at its helm, but at the time he was the hero mayor across the entire state.
This sounds more like a bunch of "militants" talking smack around snitches, than a "terror plot".
Hairy dudes shooting rifles, watching movies, and probably filming themselves while talking nasty does not a terrorist make.
This has the appearance of an easy pinch which was based on what an informant told his handler, and what is mic recorded.
Maybe more evidence is forthcoming. My money is on these clowns were the useful idiots drawing the attention of so many away from their brethren as they chug along with their plans.
It's a shame fred views these episodes as mere fun and games, simply smack talkin', and other mundane horseplay and comedy.
The reality is that episodes like this, whether manufactured or bona fide, can and do cause the commoners to tighten their embrace of the State because of unbridled fear of terrorists, real and/or imagined. In that embrace, the commoners desire for the State to do whatever it thinks is required to tighten security, not what the commoners should be demanding.
They, after all, being sissified and not what the media marionettes would call "experts," stuff their cranium with and suckle whatever those "experts" in the government/media complex bottle feed them daily.
A manufactured plot can do as much damage as a bona fide plot, in terms of enabling with the greatest of ease the State to tighten ever more its grip on the commoners and their liberty.
Hence, the term "tool." It's actually an ironic sort of arrangement in this particular case. The KLA, which we have to assume has extensive elements within the Albanian regime, utilizes the Amerikaner regime as "tools" in propagandizing against the Christian Serbs, and even used the Amerikaner regime to perform their bloody work on Serbs. Meanwhile, our Amerikaner regime is using the KLA as "tools," for their own fearmongering among its own commoners here, by way of real or manufactured plots by Islamic terrorists.
I reckon I just refuse to give folk the benefit of the doubt like some people are too wont to do. For example, it's beyond ludicrous to assume that Mr. Rohrabacher, or anyone else for that matter, who is esconced in upper echelons of the Amerikaner regime, is completely and totally oblivious to the KLA's origins, its activities, and its true long-term goals. Pure nonsense.
Our elites do not give a rat's posterior that the KLA are thugs, as long as they continue to be a gear, among many, in helping to propel the Total State's engine forward.
Unfortunately, the real tools (or is it fools?), perhaps the crankshaft in the aforementioned engine, and victims of the most wear and tear of this chuggin' machine are the commoners.
I found this at the Lew Rockwell blog.
The Turkish newspaper reported today also that Tony Snow said they have "no direct evidence" linking the men to a foreign terrorist network. Muckraker Report called the FBI and their spokesman, Rex Tomb, admitted they have "no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11"--which is why their MOST WANTED does not show Bin Laden wanted for 9/11!
I remember someone telling me that Osama has never had any charges placed on him either! Makes you wonder then, doesn't it?
I have to say that it was the Kosovo fiasco that pushed me over the edge from being a questioning Republican to a Libertarian in one swoop. Used to like watching all those "shock and awe" shows on TeeVee where they would show you again and again the precision bombing runs... then it hit me that I was in love with violence and that the State was playing "Wag The Dog" on me! All I can say is that it was the catalyst for my rebirth.
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