Friday, December 30, 2016

Inside the Tiny, Uncluttered Mind of a Cop

A retired member of the exalted Brotherhood of State-Sanctified Coercion recently rebuked a heretic:

I take umbrage with your article for Lew Rockwell. While certainly I agree with your premise that one should not give to police charities and thereby expect special privileges, you cubby-hole police officers with your example in Idaho.  How utterly disgusting that you berate this officer and his wife for exercising their Constitutional Right to file bankruptcy!  You DO NOT KNOW their circumstances—they may have had extreme medical expenses with themselves or one of their children.

I, Sir, served four years in the incomparable Marine Corps, six years in the active reserve and 20+ years as a police officer in two+ major metropolitan arenas, and, I became disabled while ‘on-duty’.  Contrary to your woeful disrespect for the police and your efforts to transport those ideas to the public, I would like you to know that we do not hate the public, we do not sit in donut shops and often, as you are well aware, we give our lives (Dallas, George, California, New York, Pennsylvania, et al) for the safety of our community just as a soldier in Iraq.  Are you going to write to the wives, mothers, fathers and children of these police officers who gave their ultimate gift of life and berate their husbands, sons and fathers for being a member of the thin blue line? Greater love has no man than he lay down his life for his friends.

 We care about people’s lives, we care about the safety of the citizens of our nation and we love our country; and Sir, we don’t become, by and large, police officers and deputy sheriffs to bully the public and to make life miserable just because we are able.  Police die early deaths from suicide, cancer, strokes and heart attacks because of the stress of being a law enforcement officer.  The mean life expectancy of a retired law enforcement officer is 18 months. Because I was serving the citizens of my community, I am 100% permanently and totally disabled and suffer a lifetime of various levels of pain; and here, I have a miscreant (you) with disgusting disrespect narrative condemning the police and one in particular for filing bankruptcy.  You Sir, are disgusting human and miscreant.  The next time someone breaks into your home or assaults you, call your friends and whine to them, I am sure they will reimburse your losses and they will become a posse and hunt for the scum who violated you and your home/family, and don’t use the facilities that were there to protect you and catch the culprits who violated your home and/or body.

May your wife have 10 more children—all different nationalities.  I don’t, generally forget a face or missive, but in your case I’ll make an acceptation. 

With disdain and contempt,

Proud to be an American, God Bless the USA!!

The impenitent blasphemer replied:

I'm not surprised by the reminder that reading comprehension isn't among the skills tested through POST certification. Law enforcement is an occupation that selects for people who tend to communicate through non-verbal means, after all.

Nowhere in my essay did I suggest that people donate to police charities in the hope of receiving "special privileges"; my point is that the people who administer those funds are protected by the legal fiction called "qualified immunity," which gives them an unearned sense of privilege and makes them untrustworthy. This is abundantly demonstrated by the pervasive pilferage from FOP coffers. The recent case in Idaho is merely one of hundreds that have happened nation-wide. You would be wise to call for a forensic audit of your own union kitty; alas, your note suggests that you are a stranger in the house of wisdom.

Mark and Sara Furniss aren't liable to criticism for seeking to discharge their debts through bankruptcy. If you had paid attention to the details -- or had them explained to you by someone who can understand them -- you would have noticed that they tried to use bankruptcy to consummate their embezzlement by listing their victims at the FOP as "creditors" and then heading north to Alaska to escape apprehension. This is attempted bankruptcy fraud.

Were I to credit official claims regarding the abilities of law enforcement officers, I would express disappointed surprise at your inability to recognize the elements of that offense. Since I've studied law enforcement for more than a quarter-century, your performance is precisely what I expected.

Why aren't you incandescent with rage over crimes committed by police, against police -- and the public at large -- when they steal from funds supposedly dedicated to providing for wounded officers, and the families of officers who have died on-duty? I am mortally disgusted by such behavior, and that reaction ripens into rage when I see how "blue privilege" continues to protect such offenders, who are routinely given lenient sentences and sometimes allowed to keep their subsidized pensions. It's odd that this is apparent to a purported miscreant like myself, while being ignored by an upstanding paragon of civic righteousness such as yourself.

You are doubtless aware....

No, strike that; going on the evidence [above] I would be unwise to entertain a generous estimate of your awareness.

A long line of judicial precedents documents that police officers have no enforceable duty to protect any individual citizen from criminal violence. This is even true when one is literally being hacked to death just a few feet away while apprehending an armed psychopath who had eluded the police. Take a second and Google "Joe Lozito" for the details of that case. Lozito subdued a knife-wielding serial killer while a member of your bold fraternity of badge-wearing badasses cowered behind a subway door just a few feet away. While Lozito was recuperating in the hospital, the cowardly officer was being feted as a "hero" -- and the city dismissed Lozito's legal claim by invoking the well-settled doctrine that the police have no particularized duty to protect the public.

Slogans about the selfless service of law enforcement don't find traction among people who have studied the issue to any depth.

Since police and rapists are the only violent predators who expect their victims to submit without resistance, it is appropriate that the coda of your puerile note obliquely expresses the hope that my wife will become the victim of serial rape. I am constrained to point out, however, that the word "acceptation" is not a synonym for the word you must have intended to use, which is "exception."

Have a nice Christmas, if possible.

Will Grigg


  1. Ha ha! What a funny commentary this retired cop made! It's almost as if he can't read! Or maybe DIDN'T read.
    Great post, William!

  2. "and 20+ years as a police officer in two+ major metropolitan arenas,"

    It seems strange to me that he describes the areas where he worked as "arenas". I expect he sees himself as a gladiator fighting lions or some such.

    You either work in a major metropolitan department or you don't. He could have said "three", or "four" as easily and been more accurate, but he said "two+". One can only deduce his numeracy skills end at two. One, two, two+. I know dogs smarter than that.

    That's just Fisking part of one sentence. Good grief, is his disability a brain injury?

  3. Headshakingly sad, pathetic and infuriating in equal amounts my miscreant friend.
    Willful obliviousness and hateful Oldspeak oozing from the Costumers upper verbal orifice was "great" and indicitive of the Herdthinking arrogance and violence-inferring Badgewielders...especially the trough-feeding "retired" ones.
    The porcine offal of brave hero Sean would have more palatable in Italian or German or Republican.

  4. Headshakingly sad, pathetic and infuriating in equal amounts my miscreant friend.
    Willful obliviousness and hateful Oldspeak oozing from the Costumers upper verbal orifice was "great" and indicitive of the Herdthinking arrogance and violence-inferring Badgewielders...especially the trough-feeding "retired" ones.
    The porcine offal of brave hero Sean would have more palatable in Italian or German or Republican.

  5. we don’t become, by and large, police officers and deputy sheriffs to bully the public and to make life miserable just because we are able.

    Too many do.

    The revolutionary war was about Tax Collecting Thugs known as red-coats that had the King's authority to violate any and every right. The modern blue-coats do the same thing.

    There is the CSPOA (I'd love Grigg to debate Richard Mack) but what is the point in teaching the constitution when they are trained to be paranoid. They could go into a stake-house and kill everyone because "They all had knives and were within 25 feet! I was in fear of my life!" and it would be all good to all cops, or they would just tut-tut "just one bad apple".

    The police are no more accountable than Hillary Clinton - they can violate every right but never go to prison.

    Cops are above the law, so they shouldn't expect law abiding citizens to think of them as anything but evil usurping tyrants.

  6. Great job Will, you destroyed this idiot's premise and I doubt you broke a sweat. If we were able to cycle through this twit's career, how many instances of losing his cool would we be privy too? These rage machines are angry at themselves; the diametric of being a public saint and a private demon is simply not a state for a human being, not if he wants to look into a mirror anyway.

    I hope you are well Will, best regards to you and your family.

  7. Cops are scum, and this one demonstrates that truth to perfection.
    They say you are known by those who consider you an enemy, so this guy just heaped the laurels on your head.

  8. If wearing a uniform commanded respect, McDonald's would have the most respected employees in AmuriKa.

    His response is simply....sad.

  9. Will,

    You should be given an honorary medical degree for your verbal castration of that terminally stupid state sanctioned. and armed to kill. revenue producer

  10. I personally feel sorry for the cop that wrote Will. Clearly this person, the cop is not by any means a person that has the ability to reason things out in their mind with any kind of multi-level thought process. In other words, he was likely seen as bright enough to be a cop and be programed to think like a cop without straying off the plantation and start thinking on his own. He has lived his life, the life of a lie and doesn't have the common sense to understand that. Don't take glee in the weak and disadvantage people that the system uses, when their stupidity reveals itself. It's the system that is controlled by the international bankers who want to take over the world. This is one of their dumb down useful idiots, reaching out in a plea for understanding. Lets not mock him but explain to him how he has been living a lie and we may get him thinking on his own.

  11. Hey, Will ~

    Thought you might enjoy watching North Dakota's finest spending the $17-million borrowed to contain the Indian uprising against a 30" pipeline 10 seconds upstream from the reservation's water intake. Please note: the image supposedly showing people being photographed with the upside down US flag does NOT show the flag, but only a pole. We have had 100's of LE from all over this state and several other States as far away as Louisiana up here 'fighting Indians' for Energy Transfer Partners. Morton County Sheriff's Department has a PR series "Know the Truth" now that their behavior is being revealed world wide over social media.

  12. This stuck out to me. You criticize the police so you do not deserve their services that you paid for.
    "The next time someone breaks into your home or assaults you, call your friends and whine to them, I am sure they will reimburse your losses and they will become a posse and hunt for the scum who violated you and your home/family, "
    As opposed to being told by the police there is nothing they can do.
    "and don’t use the facilities that were there to protect you and catch the culprits who violated your home and/or body."
    Will there a refund of the taxes paid for funding the police and those Facilities?

  13. This jerk is the type of guy that harnesses my church's people when we street corner preach or go door knocking and present the Gospel. This turkey's entire life is one gigantic pity party--how dare the serfs not grovel before them as they do the Lord, for they are (in their warped minds) Jesus Christ's substitution for all things on this earth. These homicidal pukes need to be put to death asap before they really do some irreparable damage to this country.

  14. Damn, Will. You think you could maybe cut loose every now and then? :)

    So many issues with what this guy said. He tells you that since you condemned a cop, you don't deserve to use the police department and should get your friends to hand out some vigilante if the police wouldn't throw you all in jail for such a thing.

    THEN, he goes on to suggest your wife deserves to be (if I'm reading the insult right, which I might not be, as he isn't exactly great with the language) raped 10 times by people of 10 different nationalities and have a child by each of them...or alternatively that he hopes your wife cheats on you 10 times with people of 10 different nationalities and gets pregnant each time. Either way...the whole inclusion of 10 different nationalities seems exceedingly odd, unless it's some sort of racist insult.

    The best part of it all is that everything he's up in arms about is something you didn't say. I'm not sure if his reading comprehension is that bad, or if he's just that bad at constructing straw men to burn down.

  15. Unfortunately too many believe that after 911 anyone wearing a badge is a hero. Read for two weeks, you'll never look at a cop the same way again.

  16. This police officer's response elucidates the degree to which services provisioned as socialist government monopolies totally invert the normal producer consumer relationship. In the officers view the security 'consumer' is at all times to be grateful and servile regardless how poor the quality of the service. The very idea that a consumer would dare offer criticism of the security service provider brands him a 'miscreant'. Contrast this with how the consumer is treated at private enterprise stores. If you take something back you don't like they quickly exchange it or give you your money back. Imagine taking a complaint to customer service at a big box chain store and hearing from the rep "...Oh oh. I've got a miscreant with a disgusting disrespect narrative condemning the store...."
    In socialist government monopolies its all about the worker. Its pure Marxism in other words. Only under free enterprise is the consumer a valued customer. In other words only under free enterprise is civilization and the sanctity of the individual freedom possible.

  17. So here we have another POS cop on 100% disability pay which means he pays 0% taxes on his six figure retirement. This 'disability' scam is quite common in every law enforcement agency and office all across the USA.
    I can guarantee if someone was to follow this self-entitled, self-worshiping hero around for a few days they would discover he has no physical impairments and leads a full and lavish lifestyle at taxpayers' expense.
    His only impairments are his anger issues and his extremely elevated sense of self righteousness. I wonder how many innocent lives this over payed, costumed, jerk has ruined.

  18. I was almost convinced until this POS decided that you are a miscreant - which highlighted the whole cop mindset that all civilians are the enemy. He can cry me a river.

  19. Will -

    This guy is a real doofus. Believe it or not, he has an M Div and taught Bible studies at a very small church in Prescott, AZ. From the few things I could find of his online, he's a legalist, so it's not surprising he's such a crank. Legalism and bitterness, domination, hatred, condemnation, etc., go together like cops and donuts. He's a pathetic old man that no longer gets to boss people around and doesn't like it that you are exposing the typical cop, not the exception.

    His statement "The mean life expectancy of a retired law enforcement officer is 18 months" is baloney. It's 10.6 years (although they have a life expectancy of about 10 years less than the average for males - maybe they should have considered that before they took the job abusing citizens.

    Also his implication that cops have such a dangerous job is bogus, too. My son is a pilot, and that usually comes in around number three - cops are not even in the top ten. And my son actually provides a service, while no one wants to deal with cops.

    He's a pathetic old man, and a pathetic example of a Christian (if he is one), with what he wished on you and your wife. Please let us know if this puke responds to your skewering.

  20. This jerk is the type of guy that harnesses my church's people when we street corner preach or go door knocking and present the Gospel.

    I'm assuming that you meant "harrasses" instead of harnesses. If that's true, it is a good thing, for the simple reason that American Christians need to be disabused of their entrenched delusion that cops are God's angel army on Earth. Then again, IME, most evangelical Christians have even less mental candle power than the cops they adore.

  21. This guy is a real doofus. Believe it or not, he has an M Div and taught Bible studies at a very small church in Prescott, AZ. From the few things I could find of his online, he's a legalist, so it's not surprising he's such a crank. Legalism and bitterness, domination, hatred, condemnation, etc., go together like cops and donuts. He's a pathetic old man that no longer gets to boss people around and doesn't like it that you are exposing the typical cop, not the exception.

    This guy is a walking, living, breathing example of the word "churchianity." Judgment Day is going to be unpleasant for most of us, but will be quadruply so for those who are fraudulent pretenders to the faith and whose adoration and idolatry of Caesar supersedes that of the Lord.

  22. May your wife have 10 more children—all different nationalities. I don’t, generally forget a face or missive, but in your case I’ll make an acceptation.

    Two things demonstrated here:

    1. Oinky has a rape fetish and has probably committed a few acts of it himself under color of the badge.

    2. Oinky's divinty degree and faux churchian works devoid of faith notwithstanding, he isn't the least bit interested in the message of the Gospels. But of course not; one cannot, in this day and age, be both a soldier of Caesar and a Christian. Oinky, through his words (and surely his deeds past and present), has confirmed for the world who his true god is.

  23. "Because I was serving the citizens of my community, I am 100% permanently and totally disabled and suffer a lifetime of various levels of pain; and here,"

    I wonder if he would be 100% disabled if he was under the Social Security disability rules and the same Worker's Comp rules as honest citizens? Doubtful.

    "The next time someone breaks into your home or assaults you, call your friends and whine to them,"

    My family's house was broken into 30 odd years ago when I was in middle school. The cops did nothing other than filling out a form. I found the stolen property hidden in a field next to the house a couple day's later. The cops never did anything other than charging the insurance company for the police report.

  24. I can find no instance of a cop "laying down" or "giving" his/her life for another in the instances the author mentions, nor in any other such instances. The act of "laying down", " giving", or "sacrifice" connotes a knowing and voluntary act. Such would be the case if a cop, seeing someone about to be shot, voluntarily moved himself between the shooter and target with the intention to take the bullet himself. The cops in Dallas did not sacrifice their lives nor heroically lay them down in a selfless act. Their lives were taken, not given. They were victims of aggression, not heroes.

  25. Police are highly paid thugs that constantly abuse the law and hide behind their badges!
