Colorado native Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn’t in a movie theater when his life met a sudden, violent end. He was enjoying a backyard barbeque with his cousin in southeastern Yemen when the home was destroyed by a drone-delivered Hellfire missile.
Abdulrahman was sixteen years old when he was murdered by the United States government. He had run away from home in a desperate attempt to find his father, Anwar, a “radical cleric” who was the well-publicized target of the Obama administration’s assassination program.
Despite the fact that Anwar al-Awlaki was never formally charged with a crime – let alone convicted of one – he was assassinated on Obama’s orders two weeks before the Regime slaughtered his son and eight other innocent people.
Seeking to justify the murder of a child, the Obama administration circulated the story that the 16-year-old was actually an adult “suspected” of being a “militant.”
That story was refined somewhat once it was proven that Abdulrahman was a teenager. However, the administration has never dropped the pretense that the summary execution of that innocent U.S. citizen was, in some sense, a strategic success. Since the Regime killed him -- and, in its sovereign wisdom, the Regime never errs -- the young man simply couldn't be innocent.
Within a day of the Movie Theater Massacre, the murderer of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki announced that he would travel to Colorado to bless the traumatized city of Aurora with his healing presence.
“[W]e may never understand what leads anyone to terrorize their fellow human beings,” intoned the death-dealing divinity in the Oval Office in his July 21 weekly radio address. “Such evil is senseless – beyond reason.”
We’re invited to believe that the routine state terrorism committed by Obama and the government over which he presides is both sensible and rational.
Apparently there is something noble and redemptive about commissioning a legion of chair-moistening joystick jockeys who – enthroned in the climate-controlled safety of well-guarded office buildings in Nevada and Virginia – dispatch robot aircraft to annihilate innocent strangers in places like Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
When drone-fired missiles wipe out wedding parties and funerals; when drone operators exploit the panic and chaos of an initial strike to stage follow-up attacks targeting emergency personnel – these acts are consecrated by the Dear Leader’s approval, and thus cannot be compared to the rampage committed by a private individual responsible for killing a dozen people and wounding scores of others in Aurora.
In order to clarify this vital distinction, it’s useful to recall the comments of Dear Leader Emeritus Bill Clinton from an interview published in the December 2009 issue of Foreign Policy. Asked to elucidate this important matter, Clinton helpfully defined terrorism as "killing and robbery and coercion by people who do not have state authority…."(Emphasis added.) By reverse-engineering this definition we learn that "killing and robbery and coercion" carried out in the name of "state authority" isn't terrorism; it's public policy.
As it happens, Anwar al-Awlaki – although described as a supporter of al-Qaeda – was a forthright opponent of terrorist attacks against American civilians.
In a typical address he stated that the U.S. government’s role in invading and occupying Muslim countries “does not justify the killing of one U.S. civilian in New York City or Washington, D.C.,” just as the murder of thousands of civilians in New York and Washington do not “justify the death of one civilian in Afghanistan.”
Awlaki believed that all people -- including Muslims -- have the right to defend themselves against aggressive violence, and was not diffident in expressing that view. By presidential decree, the expression of those views was made a capital offense. The sentence was imposed not by a court of law, but through the deliberations of a secretive, anonymous, unaccountable panel. There was certainly a great deal of “efficiency” in this arrangement – but not so much as a hint or whisper of due process.
In a March 5 address that was an exercise in unalloyed sophistry, Attorney General Eric Holder told an audience at Northwestern University Law School that “due process” doesn’t require “judicial process.” During congressional testimony two days later, FBI Director Robert Mueller was asked about Eric Holder’s position, and whether it applied to the execution of American citizens on presidential orders. He artlessly ducked the question by objecting that he would “have to go back” and check if that was addressed in administration policy. In the intervening months, Mueller has not found the time to report what he has learned.
The rationale for the existence of political government is the belief – as unsupported by empirical evidence as it is impervious to it – that concentrating power in an entity claiming a monopoly on aggressive violence will protect the innocent. The massacre in Aurora, like every other incident in which an armed criminal preys upon a confined audience of unarmed, innocent people, underscored the fact that the police are, at best, useless in such situations.
The police arrived while the rampage was in progress. Police recordings captured the sound of gunfire and screaming while officers waited outside the theater, setting up a “perimeter” and waiting for gas masks to be distributed. The assailant ended the slaughter on his own terms; the police did nothing to stop or minimize the carnage. Their mission was successful, however, since none of them was injured.
Just a few days earlier, a police officer in Columbus, Ohio shot and killed a 21-year-old man named Destin Thomas, who had made the mistake of calling the police to deal with an armed robber. By the time the officers had arrived, the burglars were gone. So the officers – for reasons the department has refused to disclose – killed the victim of the break-in.
As the Columbus Dispatch pointed out, if the police hadn’t been on time, Thomas would still be alive. As Thomas’s cousin points out, the Columbus Police Department is “trying to justify” the shooting, “no apology or nothing, [just saying] `Oh, we’re just doing what we were trained to do” – that is, to put “officer safety” ahead of every other consideration.
The same calculus led to an act of grotesque police over-reaction – what could reasonably be called an incident of state-sponsored terrorism – in Aurora about six months before the Movie Theater Massacre. Following an armed robbery at a local Wells Fargo bank, the Aurora Police Department simply arrested everyone in the vicinity until the suspect was found. This was, in effect, limited-scale martial law.
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Aurora Police "protecting" a child, June 4, 2012. |
Believing that the alleged robber was stopped a nearby red light, the police barricaded that section of the street – which could be considered a reasonable tactic.
However, they dragged more than forty people from their vehicles, handcuffed them, and held them for more than four hours – which was not.
Drivers and passengers “were handcuffed, then were told what was going on and were asked for permission to search the car,” recalled Officer Frank Fania. “They all granted permission, and once nothing was found in their cars, they were un-handcuffed.”
Why was it supposedly necessary to handcuff people before asking permission? If the detention was justified, why did the police bother to ask for permission?
Fania insisted that the mass arrests were necessary and justified because it was a “unique” situation. Actually, this was done not to protect the public, but rather in the interest of “officer safety.” This is the same reason why the police force in Colorado Springs, roughly 70 miles south of Aurora, are using military-grade SWAT gear to carry out routine patrol functions.
If you’re stopped for a traffic infraction in Colorado Springs, you’re likely to be accosted by someone dressed almost exactly like the perpetrator of the Aurora Movie Theater Massacre. That armed stranger has official permission to kill you if in his self-serving judgment you pose a threat to him – and no legally enforceable responsibility to protect you, should a threat to your person or property materialize. And functionaries who serve the same government consider themselves entitled to kill anyone – U.S. citizens included – via remote control on the orders of the individual who has urged the nation to join him in mourning the victims of non-government-licensed murder in Aurora.
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Abdulrahman al-Awlaki with a young relative. |
“I’m sure many of you who are parents had the same reaction
I did when you first heard this news: what if it had been my daughters at the
theater, doing what young children enjoy doing every day? Michelle and I
will be fortunate enough to hug our girls a little tighter this weekend, as I’m
sure you will do with your children.”
There are limits to Obama’s gift of empathy. He appears
untroubled by the fact that because of his criminal actions, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki’s mother has been deprived of
both her son and her husband. He is living proof of the fact that the deadliest sociopaths aren’t the ones who dye their hair red and identify with comic
book nihilists.
Dum spiro, pugno!
When the news of this state murder first came out in the MSM I was struck by a similarity.
It was stated the Pres. Obama did not sent out any drone strikes on civilian targets without mature con-
sideration of the persons guilt. This consideration is by an unnamed committee of advisers in secret for national security reasons allegedly.
In the USSR during the reign of J. Stalin he was said to stay up every night going over the lists of the next days victims, some times sending them to the gulang instead of the execution room.
Not a similarity that I am comfortable with but sadly a similarity that is not terribly surprising as terror is always useful to a totalitarian state.
Reality check.
The socratic method is the process of arguing an issue
in the extreme, or absurd, for the purpose of testing
its validity.
As Grigg points out however, when it comes to state
sponsored murder there is no absurd or extreme.
Pope John Paul II warned that America was instituting
a culture of death.
You don't need the socratic method
to guess where it will end.
How can a country like ours, whose main goal is to destroy, as evidenced by our military spending and actions, expect its people to be any other way? If US leaders and their pets in the media set a tone of non-violence, it would trickle down into the populace just as the past century of warmongering has.
I'm not saying our government is solely to blame for the violent mindset of many US citizens, there are obviously many other sources, but they certainly could do a much better job of leading by example to set a positive tone of peaceful resolution to conflict.
The old "live by the sword, die by the sword" maxim will hold true. Not if but when.
Will, I should add that the truly depressing thing in the Aurora mass-cuffing episode was the sheepish behavior and comments from those being detained. That they didn't "mind" should speak volumes louder than the tyrannical behavior exhibited by the cops alone. One is to be enraged over while the other to weep. And, where again I might add, were the Oath Keepers amongst the crowd of cops?
This article is dense (as in full of information, not as in: nearly every candidate on a ballot).
Drones are set to be the greatest threat against rebellous human beings (those seeking to think and reason with their own minds) the world has ever seen. Not only the military, but every alphabet agency in D.C. will have their own drones, operated for their own devices. Local and State police agencies are already clamoring DC to gift them (it doesn't cost us when the feds pay for it!) drones so they can run 'missions' against the bad guys without exposing their officers to dangerous rebels. Because we all know how many cops are killed each year by bad guys.
Worse, Obama and the Feds have already set precident: It is lawful to kill any human being (foreign or American) via drone WITHOUT the benefit of due process (a logical outcome of the death penalty's precident... remember the latent totalitarian bent of the Constitution).
Soon it won't be only the US Military (with a sicko US president finding sexual gratification in picking and choosing his targets) destroying families and communities in foreign lands. Your local county police will be looking to one-up the local state police and city police in number of 'bad guys' cleanly killed via drone.
Even better, an enterprising university professor recently proved that drones can be 'taken over' and controlled by a usurper. Should any of these agencies 'accidently' blow up a few classrooms in Boise or a crowded movie theatre in Biloxi, they can invent a 'lone droneman' who, as lone evil white men tend to do, inventively stole control of a drone and assassinated innocents.
As for those harried police officers bravely confronting violent thugs and lucky to 'make it back home to their loved-ones' at the end of every stressful and dangerous shift, a recent commenter at another site came up with a seemingly credible (and generous) formula for assessing the number of cops killed by bad guys in the line of duty last year. It comes out to a homicide rate of 5.25 per 100,000 cops. The national average (for all Americans) is 4.8 . Loggers, farmers, ranchers, fishermen, even bus drivers and pilots are less likely to see their offspring at the end of a shift than our 'heroes in blue'.
In Columbus Mr. Thomas was murdered firsthand by a cop. In Yemen Abdulrahman al-Awlahi was murdered by his president and an unnamed youngster playing a video game. It is only a matter of time before police chiefs nationwide have their own charges playing these video games and killing more innocents from their reinforced bunkers.
And soon I can envision corporations like Monsanto enjoying their own armed drones plying the sky looking for theiving farmers 'using' a few monsanto GMO'ed seeds that blew onto his land from a neighboring field... and Monsanto getting even with the bad guy farmer with their own missile strike........
Comrades this is the glorious hopetopia dear leader promised he would improvamentate on here in das Homeland. We must never go back to the evil hell that was the dastardly Beaver Cleaver 1950s!
“[W]e may never understand what leads anyone to terrorize their fellow human beings,” intoned the death-dealing divinity in the Oval Office in his July 21 weekly radio address.
Well, for starters, try focusing on identifying what kind of physician-prescribed pharmacological poison was coursing through the killer's bloodstream. I would be willing to bet a month's salary that at least one of the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Complex's favorite psychotropic drugs was present in large quantity.
I watched a documentary about the columbine massacre the other day, and the same thing happened, the cops showed up and waited outside the library even though the door was propped open and they could have easily entered and stopped the blood shed, instead they stood outside and listened as those two monsters executed their victims.
I love what I have discovered here. Mr Grigg, keep up the good work. I take comfort in the fact that the comments I read show me that I am not alone in my thinking. We are the resistance.
How does an unemployed medical student afford at least 15,000$ in tactical gear? Who opened the back door to the theater? A mass shooting one week before the UN gun grab? Did it occur odd to theater patrons and employees someone walking in with knee pads and tactical gear usually worn by swat? If the goal was to kill cops with booby traps, why tell the cops about the traps?
Why did the judge seal all documents in this case? Where are the surveillance camera tapes for the movie theater?
That was a damn good article
A very strong and compelling article. Providing pictures of Obama's young victim makes the issue of his death real and affecting. The murder itself eludes all conceivable pretexts; it would seem to have been done purely for the pleasure of a wielding such power. Now, finally, I find a label appropriately (and accurately) descriptive of our current White House cipher: Child Killer. A very powerful article, William, that I've referred to others.
What did it cost the taxpayers for Obama's trip to Colo. thing's would have been better served by donating the trip money to the victims family's for their losses. what a waste of air force one.
Another great article, Will.
This current occupant of the Oval Office is just another in a long line of war criminals.
He could be the worst of all of them, when all is said and done.
97.1 FM out of St. Louis reported about 1hour ago that Holmes had a 26,000$ college grant. That might explain all the disposable income.
Odds are that Obama had a lobotomy 1977-1979 in Connecticut. I am convinced, and the intellectually challenged police among the ranks of competent officers follow Obama's lead.
Note Kissinger's remarks:
While speaking at a conference hosted by AKbank in Istanbul Turkey on May 31, 2007:
"What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system..."
- Henry Kissinger
Well put!
CORRECTION: What we in America call terrorists are really the group of people who push the NWO=OWO + CFRtv with considerable murder, pain, and and belicosity. People like you, Henry.
When you line up all the people on Ritalin, and other drugs who've gone off the rails and killed folks, the numbers are staggering. And I'd like to know if this latest nut case was under psychiatric "care" as well.
MoT, more likely part of a scopolamine fueled Project Monarch mission. Research Project Monarch, including Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Bush41, NSA general Michael Aquino's history,MKULTRA, MKNAOMI, and be prepared to go face first into the realm of human sewage. Be brave and help out. Lennon/Chapman, Reagan/Hinckley, Breivik/Norwegian kids at a festival, and others all present volumes of documentation and circumstantial evidence that covert war is on in the U.S. with a foreign based entity being the top beneficiary. You will NOT see this on television. Don't mind me. Study and learn for yourself.
Excellent post. You help people wake up by pointing out the flagrant incongruities in our State's actions.
Please contact me at Lisa-at-rangeragainstwar-dot-com; I'd like to ask you a personal question.
Thank You,
The comment writer directly previous to yours? My computer is triple hacked from back door access. Whatever I tipe or look up or down load, the human sewage of human sewage gets it. So do the good guys, which I appreciate immensely. The 'We don't have to care. We're Americans." crowd are the party responsible for the huge mess the country is in. The CFRtv took their souls.
To Anon @ 7/26 3:54PM - nice to see that somebody else is awake and aware.
"MKULTRA and Monarch"? Oh, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised. But where one head is cut off, like the Hydra, two seem to sprout.
That is such an eye-opening article,Mr. Will! Im not able to add much to the so horrible cases of violence disguised in the clothes of "gevernment", "police" and power-having authorites in overall is shown and revealed and I am calling more citizens to stop by your blog and open their eyes and minds and see what is actually going on and how innocent people are being killed in a merciless way:(
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