Hill of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, shot and killed a grizzly bear that threatened
his children. The federal government is seeking to imprison him for
violating the Endangered Species Act. Idaho Governor Butch Otter wrote a nauseatingly
sycophantic letter to someone he insisted on addressing as “The Honorable”
Ken Salazar, the federal Secretary of Interior, pleading that the Regime be measured and magnanimous in carrying out its persecution of that innocent man.
“I recognize the federal jurisdiction under the Endangered
Species Act, but I strongly support the right of individuals to defend
themselves and others in such situations,” sniveled Otter. “One of the flaws of
the ESA is the premium it places on protecting species at the expense of
everything else. Although an individual can protect human safety under the law –
as Jeremy felt he was doing – it’s a shame that the Endangered Species Act
still does not enable citizens to protect their private property and pets in
the same manner.”
That aspect of the ESA is not a “shame,” but rather the
predictable and intended result of the measure, which codifies a
worldview called “biocentrism” in which human beings are simply one species
among many, and individual property rights do not exist. What is shameful,
however, is Otter’s continued insistence on posturing as a representative of
the people of Idaho, rather than a kennel-fed lapdog who knows the exact length
of the leash connecting him to his masters in Washington. Were the Governor a worthier canine specimen, he would recognize this as a time to bare his teeth.
After killing the bear that had invaded his property and
endangered his family, Hill
contacted the local office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Two
officers were dispatched to examine the bear’s remains, and they certified what
should be obvious to people whose minds aren’t cankered with eco-collectivist
cant: Hill’s actions were entirely justified and more than a little courageous.
Jack Douglas, the Boundary County Prosecutor, conducted his
own inquiry into the shooting and concluded that Hill was “forced to take
lethal action” in order to protect his wife and four of the couple’s six
children. Only one of the bears was killed, Douglas noted, and Hill “didn’t
fire at the retreating bears because they no longer posed a threat.”
This ends the matter. If Butch Otter, who loves to swan
around in cowboy attire, had sufficient sand to fill an hourglass, he would
inform Salazar that no federal official in the State of Idaho will be permitted
to have any contact with Jeremy Hill or any member of his family. He would also
inform Commissar Salazar that any federal official who molests or harasses them
in any way will be taken into custody and evicted from the state. Otter would
then issue instructions to that effect to the Idaho State Police and, if
necessary, the Idaho National Guard.
After all, isn’t Otter the same intrepid, independent-minded
badass who loves to speak
about “nullification” and “interposition” – the same bare-knuckled slab of
Rocky Mountain individualism who proudly “nullified” the
Obamacare monstrosity in the Gem State?
Well, no – not exactly.
This is the same Village People-grade
ersatz buckaroo whose attorney general collaborated with the
Obama regime to punish a group of orthopedic surgeons who organized to
protest federally imposed price controls on medical treatment. He’s the same Janus-faced specimen who
postures as the indomitable foe of federal meddling in health care – and then proudly
announces that he has secured millions of pilfered dollars and is willing
to permit Obamacare to operate within Idaho on a “case-by-case basis.”
Given that substantive record, it’s not surprising that
Otter, in dealing with the Jeremy Hill case, reacted by tugging on his forelock,
rather than thrusting out his chin.
“I would sincerely appreciate your looking into this case
and assisting any way you can,” Otter simpered in his letter to Salazar. With the
unfailing instinct of a natural collaborator,
Otter pointed out that Federal prestige might suffer if the persecution of the
Hill family continues. The Feds need “to consider the impacts to grizzly
recovery efforts because of Jeremy’s case,” Otter wrote. “There is great public
outcry about this issue, and prosecution may further damage community support
for recovery efforts.”
Here Otter sought refuge in a familiar collectivist
dialectic, treating Hill’s legitimate rights and the illegitimate demands of
the federal eco-bureaucracy as if they have comparable moral weight – and implicitly
seeking a “compromise” that will minimize the damage done to the victim while
protecting the usurped power of the aggressor. This is unsatisfactory: Any attempt to punish
Hill – even to the extent of stealing the time necessary for a preliminary
hearing – would be a crime.
If Jeremy Hill had been wearing a government-issued costume,
and his “victim” had been an unarmed human being, rather than a federally
protected grizzly bear, he would be enjoying a paid vacation rather than facingfinancial ruin and the prospect of a year in prison. The talismanic phrase “officer
safety” would be ritually invoked, officials would perform the appropriate
roles in a pantomime of an inquiry, and the entirely predictable ruling of “justified”
would be delivered.
In the event that the details of this episode were too
well-documented to deny, and sufficiently outrageous to shock the public
conscience, a settlement would be paid with money extracted from tax victims,
and the offender would be discharged without criminal charges or personal civil
liability. That’s how this matter would play out, once again, if Jeremy Hill
had been a law enforcement officer who committed an act of criminal homicide, rather
than a father who killed a wild predator that threatened his children.

Boundary County, some will recall, is where a wolfpack of
hired killers called the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team laid siege to the home of
political non-conformist Randy Weaver, murdering Weaver’s teenage son
Samuel and his wife, Vicky. Lon
Horiuchi, the FBI sniper who admitted to the killing of Vicky Weaver, was
spared federal prosecution under
an exotic doctrine described by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as “Supremacy
Clause Immunity” – which in practice operates exactly like the discredited “Nuremberg
Under this doctrine, according to the Court, the
only significant questions were these: Was Horiuchi acting under orders from
his superiors, and was the kill-shot justified by "his subjective belief
that his actions were necessary and proper"? Once those questions were
answered in the affirmative, Horiuchi was immunized from either civil or criminal
A few months after handing down that ruling – which devised
what dissenting Judge Alex Kozinski memorably denounced as a “007 Standard” for
lethal force by federal agents -- the Ninth Court partially reversed that
decision by acknowledging that the State of Idaho could prosecute Horiuchi for
criminal homicide under state laws. Denise Woodbury, an assistant prosecutor
from Boundary County, was prepared to prosecute the FBI sniper, but then- incoming
county attorney Brett Benson – reacting to pressure from the state government –
There is no doubt that Jeremy Hill acted in a “necessary and
proper fashion.” No human being was harmed as a result of his actions. Yet Lon
Horiuchi remains at large, and no doubt collects a federal pension – and Hill
may well lose his home and his freedom (whatever that word means for a subject
of the detestable Regime that presumes to rule us).
The persecution of Jeremy Hill offers that rarest of things –
an opportunity for a government to act in defense of an individual’s rights by
interposing itself between the victim and the assailant.
Jeremy Hill is not going to prison. If Otter and the silly
little government he heads aren’t willing to interpose on that man’s behalf,
there are plenty of us living in Idaho who will.
UPDATE: The Feds get their (half-)pound of flesh
The headline announces: "Feds drop charge against Idaho grizzly shooter." Three paragraphs into the story we learn that this wasn't a recognition of Jeremy Hill's innocence, or an act of supposed clemency, but rather a successful act of extortion: "As part of a deal, Hill agreed his actions violated a regulation of the Endangered Species Act against removing nuisance bears and paid a $1,000 fine."
This is exactly the kind of resolution Butch Otter had sought: The issue is disposed of in a way that will abate the growing public outrage, while preserving the Federal Government's supposed authority to enforce the totalitarian Endangered Species Act.
UPDATE: The Feds get their (half-)pound of flesh
The headline announces: "Feds drop charge against Idaho grizzly shooter." Three paragraphs into the story we learn that this wasn't a recognition of Jeremy Hill's innocence, or an act of supposed clemency, but rather a successful act of extortion: "As part of a deal, Hill agreed his actions violated a regulation of the Endangered Species Act against removing nuisance bears and paid a $1,000 fine."
This is exactly the kind of resolution Butch Otter had sought: The issue is disposed of in a way that will abate the growing public outrage, while preserving the Federal Government's supposed authority to enforce the totalitarian Endangered Species Act.
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Dum spiro, pugno!