Here Come the Draft-Nappers
Chales Rangel is a boon companion to Fidel Castro and a self-described good friend of Sean Hannity. He could thus be considered a living synthesis of modern collectivism, and his proposal to re-instate conscription as part of a comprehensive “national service” program is the distillate of collectivist premises, both “right-wing” and
Rangel is a politician, which means that for him, lying is an autonomous reflex. For years he's been saying that his enthusiasm for building a slave army is part of a
cunning plan to deter warfare, a claim he reiterated yesterday.
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said in an interview on CBS's Face The Nation.
But – and we're talking a Rusty Humphries-sized one here -- Rangel also said that a draft is necessary in order to “win” the unnecessary war in Iraq, as well as any future unnecessary wars our ruling elites may contrive:
“If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft.”
Rangel's proposal, which tracks closely with several others in circulation, would be a faithful implementation of the eight plank of the Communist Manifesto, which dictates a “universal liability of all to serve” as directed by the central government.
All 18-year-olds of both sexes would be required to register for service in either the military, the Homeland Security department, or in some other appendage of the Leviathan. As Rangel puts it, "young people [would] commit themselves to a couple of years in service to this great republic, whether it's our seaports, our airports, in schools, in hospitals” as a condition of receiving various “educational” benefits.
What's really going on here, as the incomparable investigative reporter Anne Williamson points out, is the quiet implementation of a deal that would use American youngsters as human collateral for the foreign loans that fuel Washington's demented imperial foreign policy.
“In his misbegotten quest for empire, George W. Bush faces two potentially decisive shortages – money and soldiers,” wrote Williamson in early 2005. “The deficits in boots and dollars are becoming acute. Precipitously falling military enlistments for a US military stretched thin in Iraq, Afghanistan, and 128 other countries around the world, indicate Bush has about 18 months to solve the boots problem. But it is America’s Blanche DuBois economy, whose debt levels – public and private – have gone parabolic, that threatens the entire imperial enterprise. Without the ready funds normally forthcoming from the Treasury bill market ... the president would have to rely upon a highly-indebted population that simultaneously has no savings and yet retains great expectations of the public purse. Clearly such a people can not carry the imperial standard. At least, not alone they can’t.”
With the Empire going bankrupt, the liquidation sale is already quietly underway. Seizing young people to use as human “capital” -- both as imperial coffin-stuffers, and drones of the domestic redistribution machinery – is the logical next step:
“Thanks to the enterprising left, a palatable framework of `universal service' is evolving, in which all of America’s young people will be registered for national service and, drawing on personal information gleaned from the giant government data bases now being built, will be assigned to community service, combat service, or homeland defense. The kicker may be a requirement of completed service before access to higher education and government financing for it will be granted. It is not improbable to see a `deal' over Social Security reform on the horizon, i.e. in exchange for reduced benefits and an increase in the retirement age Boomer seniors will be guaranteed the services of [conscripted] `community brigades' for home care.”
By taking the lead on the issue of re-instating slavery, Rangel has given the GOP's media mouthpieces a ready-made talking point, and the Republican leadership will be happy to let the Democrat majority absorb the political liabilities of the proposal (which has been touted as a core part of the party agenda by Rahm Emmanuel).
But it was the first President Bush who made “national service” a theme of his brief but destructive presidency, and it was the retarded product of Bush the Elder's imperial loins who created the key child-napping infrastructure, the “No Child Left Behind” law.
I've made this point before, but for the sake of clarity I'll restate it as bluntly as possible:

Five children the draft-nappers won't get: (From left) Isaiah, Jefferson, William, Sophia, and Katrina.
Anyone who tries to steal your children is not a non-combatant. On the day the political class re-instates the draft, it will officially be “Claire Wolfe time.”
To Protect and Serve ... or Not
Last month, the town of Troy, Texas (population 1,400) took a huge bite out of crime – or, at least, out of official corruption: Its City Council abolished the entire police department. This remarkable step was prompted by persistent insubordination and financial mismanagement on the part of former police chief David Seward.
Granted, the entire police department consisted of Chief Seward and three officers. But we shouldn't underestimate the amount of mischief that can be wrought by an armed gang that size, particularly when they're clothed in official impunity.
And so, pending the City Council's decision to hire a new Chief and staff a new department, the town is relying on the Bell County Sheriff's Department – which is to say, they've embraced, however inadvertently, the Anglo-Saxon Common Law scheme in which the Sheriff, not a “police” force, enforces the law.
And the funny thing is that, despite the city's decision to erase the “thin blue line,” the community has somehow not come under siege by the forces of crime.
“I'm happy to say I really haven't noticed much of a change," commented Neil Jeter, assistant superintendent of the Troy Independent School District. "So far, knock on wood, it's been pretty much business as usual.”
When Cops become Robbers, Continued
Tracy, California (population 78,000) provides an illustration of the kind of indispensable “service” that is rendered by “local” affiliates of the Homeland Security State:
“Police set up a checkpoint on Holly Drive on Wednesday to check motorists with invalid driver's licenses and to see if they were wearing seat belts, stopping a few hundred vehicles. The sting paid off, as police called in tow trucks to impound 15 cars for 30 days, an expensively painful mistake that could cost the owner of each car nearly $1,500.”
As in most operations of this sort, the police are colluding with local contractors, turning an “enforcement” program into a very lucrative joint venture in racketeering:
“For a 30-day hold, the towing company holds the car for a mandatory 30 days, and companies like Ace charge up to $40 per day. That’s $1,200 in storage fees alone, on top of a $250 towing charge. Factor in the city’s charge of $435, and unlicensed drivers face a hefty penalty to get their cars back. That’s not all. If the owner fails to pick up their car within 30 days, they’re notified by mail that the car will be auctioned or sold for scrap. But auction sales rarely cover the $1,500 cost, said Doug Borges, manager of Borges Auto Service Inc. Liens are often placed on the owner, and the owner of the car then becomes liable for the legal costs.”
A total of 350 drivers were illegally detained (stopped and interrogated without probable cause), and the police netted a haul of $30,000. So it's not surprising to hear from Tracy PD Sgt. Mike Vierira that “we're going to try to do them [roadblock operations] more regularly.”

As abroad, so at home: The Regime's traffic checkpoints in Iraq (left) and the U.S. (right)
Criminalizing Generosity
When Stanley Yaffe saw a “Vehicle Control Agent” -- that is, a meter maid (of whichever sex), or a Parking Nazi – trolling a street in search of expired meters, the Denver resident plugged a few quarters into a meter, seeking to help some random stranger avoid a ticket.
One would assume this gesture would be perceived by the VCA as civic-minded and generous; after all, one would think that compliance with city parking ordinances is the entire point of the exercise.
One would be reasonable to think as much. One would also be wrong.
The VCA accused Mr. Yaffe of “interfering with the collection of city revenue” and threatened to summon the police.
“I could have you arrested,” fulminated the tax-fattened parasite. “You are interfering with the collection of city revenue. I could call the police right now.”
“You're joking,” replied Yaffe, casually promising not to commit that supposed offense again and moving to leave.
“What makes you think I'm letting you go?” sneered the revenue collection drone.
At this point, Yaffe should have said: “What makes you think you could keep me here?”
In any case, the businessman politely reiterated his unnecessary apology and dismissed himself.
It should surprise nobody to learn that the Denver Municipal Code doesn't list “interfering with the collection of city revenue” as a crime.
What it means to be a “Hero”
In January 2005, Baltimore resident Cheryl Lynn Noel, whose son had been assaulted by gang-bangers on the way home from school and whose step-daughter had been murdered several years earlier, was startled awake by an armed assault on her home. Lying in bed with her husband Charles, Cheryl – who ran Bible studies in her home – reached for her legal, registered handgun. When armed intruders violated the sanctity of her bedroom, Cheryl was armed, but according to Charles, she didn't point the gun directly at the intruders.
The marauders were, of course, SWAT operators representing Baltimore's “finest.”
Tactical Officer Carlos Artson – protected with a helmet, mask, ballistic shield, and bullet-resistant body armor – shot Cheryl twice. She was clad in a nightgown.

In memoriam: A cross erected by the family of the late Cheryl Lynn Noel, who was murdered by the Regime in her bed.
Cheryl's grasp on her handgun slackened – not surprisingly, since she was probably dead already. Artson continued his approach, yelling at Cheryl to move further away from the gun; not surprisingly, his victim couldn't comply. So this paladin of the public weal capped her a third time, administering the coup de grace from point-blank range.
The “justification” for this 4:30 a.m. Paramiltary raid was this: Someone found marijuana seeds in the family trash.
Which means that someone was looking for a pretext to conduct a raid of the type that has become alarmingly common in the American Reich.
On October 2, Officer Carlos Artson, who murdered Cheryl Lynn Noel, was awarded the Silver Star, the department's second-highest award for valor. The citation claims that Artson “saved himself and his fellow officers from being shot” after being “confronted by a woman pointing a loaded handgun at him, during the service of a high risk, `no knock' search warrant for an ongoing narcotics investigation.”
Artson was “confronted” by Mrs. Noel in exactly the same sense that any other armed robber could make that claim. Of course, armed robbers don't give each other puerile little baubles to celebrate their “valor.”
When the State's agents can violate our homes at will, gun down women without consequence, and -- pay attention, please! -- give each other combat citations after such engagements, only one rational interpretation is possible: The Regime is literally at war with the American people.
Video Pick of the Week: Busted – The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters
It shouldn't be necessary to stipulate that I have little use for the ACLU, and no use at all for narcotics of any kind. None of the youngsters depicted in the dramatizations contained in this documentary represent the kind of people with whom I would spend my leisure time.
That being said, this must be said as well: Irrespective of its view of drug use, or the affiliations of its narrator, “Busted” is timely and indispensable. Watch it and take notes.
I just read a statement from Nancy Pelosi, (D) CA, wherein she stated that Rangle's proposal to reinstate the draft was not something that was going to be on the table when Congress reconvenes in January. It is notable however, that she left the issue open-eneded for a later date. She further stated that Rep. Rangel is "a strong voice for social justice in our country" and his support for the draft was "a way to make a point." Yeah...right. If you believe that then I have a pineapple plantattion outside of Anchorage that I can make you a good deal on.
As an aside, the article also stated, "...they will try to pass bills that directly affect the pocketbooks of working-class and middle-class people, including raising the minimum wage, cutting interest rates for student loans and allowing the Medicare program to negotiate lower drug prices." Ok, more entitlements as I see it. Of course there is no free lunch...someone has to pay for this and that someone is....? If you guessed us, the middle class, you earned a gold star. As I see it Will, this is more than just a matter of political enslavement; it's all about economical enslavement too with compulsory redistribution of wealth being the primary tool. The political elite already have the poor/lower class pretty well enslaved through economic-political entitlements and they just about have the middle class there too. The State giveth and the State taketh away. I realize that this kind of thing has been going on for a century or more, but I believe that it was FDR who really got it rolling. I hope his butt is roasting in some sort of political hell.
I realize that I am preaching to the choir here, but it feels good to vent to someone who understands. Most of my friends and associates tend to stare at me like a deer into the headlights or ask me if I need to be on medication when I try to discuss these kinds of things with them. Keep up the good work Will.
Agreed, ck. Ya hit the nail perfectly. Those folk you mention that stare at ya as if you needed medication are a critical element to why we're in this mess to begin with.
First, the republic is not dying but is already DEAD, Grigg. I certainly agree with you about the drug enforcement, traffic enforcement, and various other and sundry gestapo tactics being perpetrated by the state without consequence, but this kind of crap is to be expected in a quasi-depraved, rudderless, all but godless society whose dependency mindset and savings rate are at all time highs and lows respectively as Anne Williamson points out so matter-of-factly. There are exceptions, but so what. The aggregate commoners of the modern era are a sad lot, as one who examines the recent antics and bizarre, thuggish behavior exhibited by your average commoner trying to get a stupid video game console aptly and beyond ALL doubt demonstrate, for cryin' out loud! THAT, unfortunately, is the cultural makeup of the average run-of-the-mill commoner of post-Christian America today, Will, not that niche community in Troy, Texas or that fine niche enclave whom Ron Paul represents. They are not the rule. Bread and circuses by any means necessary is the rule!
Second, given all the fine exposure and details of the never-ending and ever-increasing gestapo events of the day you provide, you STILL are optimistic about the resuscitation of the Republic?? This is where I've often disagreed with the JBS. Just to clarify, I'm certainly an optimistic chap, but about something entirely different - the imminent return of the King of Kings, not about this former great country.
I agree with you on our Lord's return being the ultimate solution. Short of His return, the only thing that I can conceive of that will turn this nation around and restore it to its former glory is the complete ablation of most of the instituitons and officers, as presently constituted, inside of the Beltway.
DD, please understand that I, in no wise, am I suggesting anything that even resembles a revolution or civil war. I am simply stating what historically has been necessary in order to treat the disease of civil corruption when it is as advanced as it presents itself in our generation. Even then, unless most of the bureaucratic matastases are removed, the corruption tends to reestablish itself; hence we see the need for the ultimate cure, the Second Advent of the Prince of Peace.
Yo, Dawg -
It's not often that I'm accused of Panglossian tendencies, hehe. My view -- whimsical and romantic as it may be -- is akin to that expressed by Maximus in that childish but oddly affecting film "Gladiator": "There once was a dream called Rome." That character lived in the crepuscular phase of a degenerate empire, just as we do, but he still cherished the memory of a republic he'd only read about, and learned of from those who kept the traditions alive.
Not to wax Platonic or anything, it seems to me that any polity is primarily an aspirational entity. It exists in the hearts and minds as an ideal, one that is imperfectly transcribed in a constitution and laws.
Our republic (1789-1861, RIP) will live in some form as long as there are people who understand its principles and cherish its memory -- and who would re-create it if given even the slightest opportunity.
Our only tangible hope, of course, resides in the completed work on the Cross, and in the promise of Our Lord's impending return.
I'll have more to say about this subject, I'm sure, but right now I'm in the middle of a phone call, and trying to keep the Grigglings from tearing each other to shreds....
Hehehe, Rick, Isaiah's rather equivocal expression was intended to conceal the loss of a few baby teeth.
Those teeth came out naturally, I hasten to specify, in order to pre-empt any unfortunate speculation regarding needlessly severe parental discipline.
...right now I'm in the middle of a phone call, and trying to keep the Grigglings from tearing each other to shreds....
LoL! "Grigglings," now that is funny! And yes, your Kinder are a fine and wonderful set to look at, judging by your pic, that's for sure ;). With those precious children's welfare and freedom on your mind, of course, I can absolutely understand you being up-in-arms about the prospects for a future notice for involuntary servitude arriving via Leviathan's post office. But, given their ages, you can at least remain worry free for over a decade, correct? Given that a draft would probably target 18 year olds at the absolute minimum I'd hope.
I read that SWAT episode you presented again just now and, I tell ya, it is beyond enraging, Will. I'm surprised the city's folk didn't rise up in indignation and demand the prosecution of the SWAT team leader, Carlos Artson, at the very least! Again, I'm NOT surprised...sigh. One extremely critical mistake that Balyko makes here, and inadvertently by extension supports much of the state's story is that he argues merely about the gun not being pointed towards the officers, and NOT the following:
A). The officers should've expected that a lawful resident of the property and premises could very likely be armed and attempt to defend against an illegal break-in, which would be their right to do. Ergo, dismiss the plan for using a so-called "no-knock" warrant and go with a standard search warrant, albeit deciding a marijuana "seed" as being sufficient probable cause for said warrant or not is another matter entirely.
B). Most significant, IMO, is Balyko and others not questioning the legality of "no knock" warrants in the first place. It's quite noteworthy that the Justice Department claims there is Authority of Federal Judges and Magistrates to Issue "No-Knock" Warrants, via United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984), which established "good faith" (whatever that would entail in the oft-corrupted mind of today's state-sanctioned Stormtroopers is anybody's guess) as an exception to the exclusionary rule for admitting evidence thus seized in a criminal trial. Still, if one reads and tries to absorb the totality of the Justice Department's "no-knock" page above, the DOJ basically claims that since no statute explicitly prohibits serving a warrant in a "no-knock" fashion, it can thusly be served is what I gather. Of course, in your SWAT story above the perpetrator of this particular "no-knock" warrant was local government (Baltimore) I assume? That would be another matter entirely in that case as there may indeed be clear local and/or state (Maryland) statutory language allowing the use of "no-knock" warrants in that jurisdiction.
Unless it's otherwise crystal clear, the government should never be given any quarter in constitutional matters and assumed to be operating constitutionally. And if where this state-sanctioned murder occurred by means of a "no-knock" warrant is allowed by the state/local statutes in question, those folk concerned should be demanding a redress of grievance in the matter. Because of the huge propensity for abuse with a "no-knock" warrant, as this case aptly demonstrated, they should be considered unconstitutional, a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. Won't happen, of course, but that's just my two cents worth.
Anyway, on an unrelated matter, I guess you probably already knew that the author of The Purpose Driven Drivel (sic), Rick Warren, is a CFR comrade? I always knew something was not right with that man after seeing a few excerpts from that best-sellin' book, that could of just as well have been written by MacLaine's hand, as it delved approvingly but subtly into a few New Age concepts and phenomena, not to mention a smattering of paganism. I guess it should be assumed that since globalist tentacles reach into the highest tiers of the private sector and, naturally, in the eminent realm of the public sector, why should we have not expected a few of those tentacles to be slithering within a church or two? Especially a megachurch that's on the mainstream media's wavelength. The Church of Scientology is also, but they are well-known to most Christians as a farce right away, but Saddleback Church? "No, couldn't be! The fine pastor of that church wrote The Purpose Driven Life after all, a living Christian manifesto in essence!" they'd exclaim.
Sigh.......discernment is a useful God-given tool to be always utilized, but rarely is :(.
The morning caffeine fix hasn't kicked in yet,sooo...you mentioned that Rick Warren is a CFR comrade. Ummm...what's CFR (other than the Code of Federal Regulations) and what does Warren's involvement mean?
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an elitist organization of globalist-minded folk who are key actors "installed" into influentual (i.e. mind-molding/shaping) key positions that affect large segments of the population and culture.
In government, that position would be exercised via power (doh!); in the media, entertainment, academia, religions, etc. that position would be exercised via mind-shaping, mind-molding, and mentoring the flock or herd.
In short, it basically is an organization whose raison d'être is to promote world government by subverting the cultural institutions using the Gramscian method, or Neo-Gramscianism .
Ever wondered how things seem to always move Left or ever more socialist continually, albeit gradually, even when you thought the "Right" folk were steering the ship of state, church, whatever?
Well, that's why. Grand, eh ;)?
...CFR (other than the Code of Federal Regulations)
Hmmm, do you mean the Federal Register? Oh my bad, yes there exists also a Code of Federal Regulations webpage as well, but it looks like it may be, in essence, merely a mirror of regulations that have been published in the Federal Register glancing at it. Could be wrong, though. It might only be a search engine for those regulations that only cover certain agencies within Leviathan, perhaps?
In any event, thanks, as I never thought of the CFR acronym as "Code of Federal Regulations" and didn't know of it, even though I known for years about the Federal Register.
I work for a small contract manufacturing pharmaceutical house...one of the many hats that I wear is that of being the regulatory affairs guy for the company. The Code of Federal Regulations, specifiaclly 21 CFR (derived form Title 21 of the United States Code -USC)is the bible in my industry. The Federal Register is where any additions, deletions or ammendements to the various CFR chapters are announced.
Hehe...I certainly don't claim to be a regulation expert by any stretch and I assume others so designated perform that duty in my field of IT. I only build, repair, and administer networked machines and of course am familiar with network topologies and such.
I knew that USC designated United States Code, but I was unaware that the Federal Register is merely for publishing changes, deletions, and amendments to federal regulations while the CFR is the compendium of published regulations.
One learns something new everyday ;).
Trish -- Isaiah isn't crying; he's, uh, over-smiling painfully because of a dentition issue (baby ones about to leave, adult ones coming in). In the other pictures we took, Isaiah wasn't smiling at all.
We didn't do anything, um, special to arrange for the arrival of our girls. They just came as God sent them. William is of the opinion that we should "order" (his word, bless his uncorrupted little heart) a third girl so we'll have the full Brady Bunch set: Three of each. Besides, it would be good for Jefferson, our youngest son, to have a little sister to protect. Because of Korrin's health issues, if we have another child it will be via adoption. We briefly tried to arrange an adoption earlier this year, but the mother wasn't amenable to any "solution" that didn't involve killing the child, so she enriched some local abortionist.
Thanks so much for your kind words about our kids! I've seen a photo of you with yours, and they're beautiful, too.
Scary as the school-to-work matrix is, there are always lacunae that can be exploited by people who are willing to work and make the sacrifices necessary to live free. I'll probably be musing about these matters in the blog pretty soon....
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